

C'Nano is a CNRS service unit which has the mission to gather and federate within a national network, the scientific community displaying research activities in all fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. it promotes research, education and innovation in nanoscience through various actions and events towards academic and industrial scientists as well as students and large public. C'Nano board is composed as follows:

Director: Corinne CHANEAC, Professor at Sorbonne University

Scientific & Administrative Coordinator: Julie CARIMALO, CNRS Research Engineer

Financial manager: Christophe DECILAP, CNRS Technician

Communication Officer: Marieke MOREL, CNRS Engineer

Prospective & innovation Officer: Nils BALGOBIN, CNRS Engineer

C'Nano scientific steering committee: 

  • Great South Western board: Xavier BOUJU, CNRS Research Director & Yannick GUARI, CNRS Research Director
  • East board: Nadine MILLOT, Professor at University of Bourgogne & Michel VERGNAT, Professor at University of Lorraine
  • Ile-de-France board: Corinne CHANEAC, Professor at Sorbonne University & Juan Ariel LEVENSON, CNRS Research Director
  • North Western board: Jean-Luc DUVAIL, Professor at University of Nantes & Fabienne GAUFFRE, CNRS Research Director
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes board: Anthony AYARI, CNRS Research Director & Bruno MASENELLI, Professor at INSA Lyon
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur board: Nicolas BONOD, CNRS Research Director & Lionel SANTINACCI, CNRS Senior Research Scientist


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