Satellite events > NS-CPU GdR Meeting

GdR NS-CPU Meeting 2021


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Created in 2021, the NS-CPU CNRS research network (GdR Nanosciences en Champ Proche sous Ultra Vide) main mission is to gather the French scientific community whose research activities in Nanosciences relies on techniques related to vaccum near field microscopy. It involves 125 researchers from 120 laboratories.

This meeting will address 5 topics:

Axis 1 - Electronic and vibrational structure of individual nanostructures andnano-objects

Axis 2 - light-matter interactions at the nanoscale

Axis 3 - Study of local magnetism and of quantum states

Axis 4 - Electronic and electrostatic properties and charge transfer

Transversal axis - Historical concepts and numerical tools

More information on the NS-CPU GdR Meeting 2021 Program (in French)


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