Special Sessions > Art & Science

"Art & Science" Special Session

this event will be hold in French only


Tuesday November 23th, 2021

13.15 14:15 am: Round-table*
"Bringing Science, Art and Society together to question our interdependence and technological risks"

Sophie CARENCO, CNRS researcher at LCMCP laboratory (Paris)
Jean-Marc CHOMAZ, CNRS research director at LadHyx Laboratory (Plaiseau)
Patrick CHASKIEL, Professor at Univ. Toulouse Jean Jaurès at CERTOP Laboratory (Toulouse)

7.00 – 7.30 pm: Plenary Presentation
Jean-Marc CHOMAZ (CNRS  LadHyX, France)

Wednesday November 24th, 2021

 13.15 14.15 am: Round table*
"The Dust Museum: illustration of a collaborative project between an artist and scientists"

 Giancarlo FAINI CNRS research Director at C2N Laboratory (Palaiseau)
Michel PAYSANT, plastic artist
Christian ULYSSE, CNRS research Engineer at C2N Laboratory (Palaiseau)

Thursday November 25th, 2021

 4.30  5.00 pm: Best Picture Awards Ceremony
 Rules for application are avalaible here.


* maximum capacity: 15 attendees

A specific area will be dedicated to discussions on "Art & Science" during the 3-day congress in the posters and exhibition stands area.

Steering committee: Giancarlo RIZZA (CEA  LSI); Marieke MOREL (CNRS  C'Nano); Simon RAFFY (INSA Toulouse  LPCNO); Bruno PALPANT (Centrale Supelec  LUMIN); Julie CARIMALO (CNRS  C'Nano)

Jury of the best Picture Awards:
Giancarlo RIZZA, CEA Researcher at LSI Laboratory, President of the Jury
Simon RAFFY, CNRS Toulouse Research Engineer at LPCNO Laboratory

Marieke MOREL, CNRS Engineer – Communication officer – C’Nano
Sophie CARENCO, CNRS Researcher at LCMCP Laboratory
Alexandre DARMON, President of the “Art in Research” Gallery
Thomasine GIESECKE, Artist
Hynd REMITA, CNRS Research Director at the ICP Laboratory
Marie SIGNORET, CNRS Research Engineer – Head of Communication at CNRS Physics Institute


For more information, please contact: art-science_cnano2020@services.cnrs.fr



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