Satellite events > Workshop MEMO

 MEMO Workshop
November 24th to 25th, 2021

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Last update: November 10th, 2021 at 5:30pm


Monday November 22th & Tuesday November 23th, 2021

Nanocar Race II  Remote control testing.
Remote control connection trial for LT-UHV STM manipulations from CEMES  CNRS Laboratory
to the officially registered team’s lab.

Location: CEMES  CNRS Laboratory in Toulouse (Saouzelong Subway station)

Tuesday November 23th, 2021

17:30 – 18:00: Plenary lecture 
Francesca MORESCO (TU Dresden - CFAED, Germany), Coordinator of FET OPEN MEMO Project
Presentation entitled “Mechanics with molecules: motors and gears working under the STM tip”


18:00 – 19:00: NanoCar Race II official Presentation

Presentation by the 8 teams officially registered to Nanocar Race II (5 to 8 mn each)

Chairperson: Christian JOACHIM (CNRS – CEMES, France)


19:30: MEMO Dinner among nanocar Race II teams in central Toulouse (location to be determined)

Wednesday November 24th & Thursday November 25th, 2021

Conference on Single molecule mechanics on a surface: gears, motors and cars


The H2020 EU FET Open project MEMO is glad to announce the upcoming international workshop, focused on the mechanics of a single molecule functioning on a surface from air to ultra-high vacuum environments.

New results on molecule-rotors, molecule-gears, trains of molecule-gears, molecule-motors and their motive power, molecule-ratchets activated and functioning one at a time are welcome. During this workshop, the 10 teams registered for the 2021 Nanocar race II will share their last advances in the design, chemistry and driving strategies of their prototype of molecule-vehicles. This workshop is open to all scientists (chemists, surface physicist, quantum chemists, …) involved in the new field of single molecule machinery with potential applications in nanomechanical calculators, energy harvesting and single molecule nanomedicine.

The workshop proceeding will be published in the volume 14 of the well-known Springer seriesAdvances in Atom and Single Molecule Machine”.


Interested scientists (PhD, Post-doc, junior and senior) please contact us at
Conference registration is open starting from end of June 2020 on the C’Nano2020 or MEMO websites.



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