PhD Thesis Awards

National C’Nano PhD Thesis Prizes 2021



This year, C'Nano launched its national Thesis Awards to reward the best doctoral works in Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies carried out in a French University or "Grande Ecole" and defended between August 31st, 2020 and September 1st, 2021.

A specific ceremony will be organized during the congress on Wednesday, November 24th at 6.30 pm in the Saint-Exupéry Auditorium. At this occasion, each laureate will receive a prize, of 500€ each, rewarding them for the originality and excellence of their PhD thesis work.

Download their abstract

Laureates of the "Interdisciplinary research Prize"


Laureates of the "Fundamental research Prize"


Laureate of the "Applied research Prize" 



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