Satellite events > GdR NACRE Plenary

GdR NACRE Plenary 2020

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NACRE for Nanocystal in Dielectrics for Electronics and Optics is a national research network (Groupement de recherche, GdR) funded by CNRS. His objectives were to promote exchanges between researchers studying these nanomaterials whose applications are in the fields of electronics, opto-electronics, photonics and plasmonics. This GdR ended last December 2020, but ist last plenary meeting has been postponed in 2021 due to the worldwide COVID19 pandemic situation.

The last GdR NACRE plenary meeting will be hence organized on November 15th, 2021 as a satellite event of C'Nano Meeting, in Toulouse Pierre Baudis Convention Center.

This plenary meeting is a special event because it marks the end of GdR NACRE, while preparing a project of a new GdR called Nano-impact that will be turned on scientific aspects related to nanostructures as was GdrR NACRE with additional responsible and societal approaches.

To prepare for this thematic transition, this Nano-imact conference aims at presenting the state-of-the-art of what is being done on these themes. This conference will be interdisciplinary as it will bring together physicists, chemists (eco-)toxicologists as well as researchers from human sciences. The presentations and discussions will focus on thematic areas as nanomaterials with increased functionalities, safe-by-design and recycling issues, societal issues...



Tuesday November 23rd, 2021

This plenary conference will be held in three stages

Poster session
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

This session is specifically dedicated to PhD students and post-doctorants whoses research topics are related to the 4 above mentioned topics.

Abstracts (max. 1 page) and registration form have to be sent to the latest on October 15th.

Invited conferences and discussion
3.00 - 7.00 pm


3.00 - 3.05 pm  - Fabrice GOURBILLEAU (CNRS - CIMAP, Caen) - From GdR NACRE to GdR Nano-impact

3.05 - 3.30 pm  - Corinne CHAMPEAUX (Univ. Limoges - IRCER, Limoges) - Nanoparticles Source and Nanocomposites Deposition towards Multifunctional Tunable Materials

3.30 - 3.55 pm  - Ignazio ROPPOLO (Politecnico di Torino - Department of Applied Sciences & Technology, Italy) - Functional nanocomposites obtained via light-activated 3D printing

3.55 - 4.20 pm  - Thierry TALIERCIO (Univ. Montpellier - IEM, Montpellier) - Heavily doped semiconductor for bio-sensing and active plasmonics

4.20 - 4.45 pm  - Jérome LABILLE (CNRS - CEREGE, Aix en Provence) - Anticipate risk at each stage of the life cycle to design a safe-by-design nanomaterials

4.45 - 5.10 pm  - Thierry BARON (CNRS - LTM, Grenoble) - Sustainable apporaches in IoT devices NEED for IoT

5.10  - 5.30 pm Coffee Break

5.30 - 5.55 pm  - Patrick CHASKIEL (Univ. Toulouse Jean Jaurès - CERTOP, Toulouse)- Innovating Risks. Characterization or Standardization of Occupational Risks of Nanomaterials ? 

6.00 - 7.00 pm  - Open Discussion on the project of new GdR Nano-impact

Participation to the GdR NACRE plenary is not subejct to registration fees. However, attendees need to complete a registration form.

Participation to C'Nano Congress
November 23rd - 25th

Participants wishing to also attend the C'Nano meeting sessions (from November 23rd - 25th) will need to specifically register to this conference and have to pay specific registration fees. GDR NACRE will take care of registrations for the C’Nano conference for the first 15 doctoral students / postdoctoral fellows who have sent an abstract for the poster session of the GDR NACRE plenary.


Download the registration form

Download the abstract template

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